Apply at Studentaid.gov
Enter our school code 042540
Professional Barber:
Driver’s License or State ID
Has a high school diploma/transcript or GED
Registration Fee and Books/Kit Fee if paying out of pocket
DD214 if you are a Veteran
Professional Barber Instructors:
Has a high school diploma/transcript or a GED
Driver’s License or State ID
Certificate of Completion from
Barber License
Registration Fee
DD214 if you are a Veteran
School Catalog (website)
Gainful Employment (website)
School’s Completion Rate (website)
School’s Licensure Rate (website)
School’s Job Placement Rate (website)
Physical Demands of the Profession
Safety Requirements of the Profession
Compensation a Graduate can reasonably expect
Licensure Requirements for the Jurisdiction in which the school is Located
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy (website)
State Board Rules & Regulations
School Curriculum
Title IX
Title VI
Violence against Women Act
Annual Campus Security Report (website)
Voter Registration information & form
You will receive this information during registration or you can review the information on our website.